~ every day, a new beginning ~
We're at that awkward time of year, the week between Christmas and New Year's when things are either piling on and we're scurrying like mice trying to finish out year of end projects or we're working on some serious down time. Funny how there never seems to be an in-between yet I'm trying to do both - finish projects and work on down time as well as get ready for my January adventure.I've not mentioned the studio and haven't because it's seriously gloomy. Boscoe Mancat now lives in the studio, healing from God alone knows what, and he's doing much better. His paw pads have completely healed, his coat is looking better, his eyes are bright but he still acts like the spirit has just plumb gone out from him. He shows no interest, whatsoever, in heading back outside and that's fine with me. I still need to do a bit of
~ Thistle Cove Farm studio ~
Earlier this month we had some torrential rain storms and I showed photos of the flooding in the valley. What I didn't show you were photos of the studio when the rain blew so hard it soaked the wall, the rug, materials and other things. I'm still not ready to take photos of the interior, bear with me. sigh.Enlisting help, the wet rug was pulled up, taken to the barn to dry and then we placed a small heater in the studio so, hopefully, the floor wouldn't warp.
It's best to never become too cocky or overly confident, eh? It all happened again The Very Next Week..."deju vu all over again" as Yogi Berra once said. BTW, if you're not familiar with Yogi Berra, please do visit the link; the man was a true wit as well as being an outstanding baseball player. Yep, torrential rain storm, studio flooding, rug/wall/materials soaked...again..., another rug pulled up and taken to the barn...sigh. So, between the rains and the eye injury, I've not been in the studio the entire month of December. I have, however, been amusing myself, most recently, on the i-net; visiting interesting blogs where people are doing some beautiful work. I've also been reading Somerset Publications, Interweave Press and going through my personal library; the county library has been getting some serious use as well.
It's stinkin' cold here, temps is hovering...and none too well...at about 20 above and the wind chill is flirting with zero, below zero actually. It's almost not worth getting out of bed especially as the bedroom temp was a frosty 47.7 degrees F above zero this morning. But I did crawl out of bed and I've finished morning chores and there are many, many things I
KC Willis, Lipstick Ranch, had a fabulous 2009! She's discovered how much she enjoys teaching, she spreads plenty of joy, she's been published in many publications and made teaching DVD's. She's in Colorado and one of my goals is to take a class from her in her studio; what a blast that's going to be! Visit her, via the link above, and see what she's doing and, as importantly, where you can take a class. The Guardian Angel is her gift to anyone who spreads the news...so go ahead...check it out.
Vicki at Field Trips in Fiber is drawing to a close on her December challenge. Somehow I missed it and just found it today. Brave woman actually posted her 2010 goals! Go thou and do likewise and I'll think about it -grin-!
Jude at Spirit Cloth is always doing beautiful work; it's a visit that will spark your creative juices, to be sure.
I just found Bee Creative and have enjoyed my visits. Each year, she "adopts" a word to explore and then plans her projects with that word in mind. Her word for 2009 was "intersection" while her word for 2010 is "direction". It's an interesting concept, one I'll consider.
Jo, Where Women Create, has a visual stimulating blog and publication. She also has dozens, if not hundreds, of links to other visual stimulating and creative blogs and sites.
Beth's blog, Sew, Mama, Sew! appeals on a variety of levels and to a variety of people. Her Handmade Holidays III had tutorials, recipes and a plethora of give-aways; those daily links will keep me busy for months!
Purl Bee is far more creative than I'll ever be but I enjoy visiting, just the same.
Hand Eye ezine is a wonderful publication; very informative and well written.
K. Baxter Packwood is a serious artist who says, "the quilt is the medium, not the subject!" Hmmm, how interesting, I like it. I like it a lot!
Alicia, at Posie Gets Cozy, has a cheerful blog, full of wonder, smiles and good things to make.
Pam, Pam Warden Art, is a gifted woman whose art makes you h-a-p-p-y! It's worth a visit just to stretch your face.
Jenny Doh, former Editor in Chief and Director of Publishing for the Stampington and Company Publications is starting a new venture called Crescendoh and will certainly set the arts community on its ear. Again. She's one of those women you just know would intimidate the socks right off of you yet is, more than likely, as kind and down to earth as is possible. For certain, she has more energy than Superwoman and I'm looking forward to Crescendoh as well as the new Editor in Chief ??? for all those wonderful Stampington magazines.
Lisa Swifka is hosting One World, One Heart, for the fourth year, and that's always the highlight of any year's beginning. It takes place 25 January to 15 February; this will be my third year of participating and what FUN! There are always new blogs to visit, new things to learn, new people to meet...come and join Lisa and the rest of us; you'll like it, I promise! There are only a few, but necessary guidelines, to, hopefully, prevent unhappiness. Last year I gave away four gifts and am pretty sure those gifts were received. I believe so 'cause the woman I didn't hear from was the same woman who complained her gift "was late" -smile-. Oh well, it takes all of us to make the world go 'round, eh?
My sidebar, Cozy Visits, has a list of interesting, informative, fun, creative, faith inspiring blogs to visit. In looking at the sidebar, I'm reminded of the babies...and the foals...born in 2009, of the saints gone on before, of jobs lost and jobs gained, of families divided and reunited, of wonderful meals, excellent projects, new homes, marriages, beginnings, endings, trials and tribulations...in short...I'm reminded just how small this ole world truly is. When I count my blessings, each of you are included; when I say my prayers, your name is on the prayer list. Yes. You are.
~ light the candles ~
These dark, winter days keep your candles lit and the blankets piled on the beds. Stay warm and cozy, make plans and goals but save make time to enjoy the experience of now.
Until next time,
Blessings ~ you ~ me ~ excellent publications ~ fun blogs ~ quilts ~ candles ~ good memories ~ goals ~ plans ~ beginnings ~ endings ~ a new year ~