In day's gone by, there was a rhythm and schedule to life that we seem to have lost and our lives, certainly my life, is the poorer. I enjoy having days of the week that certain chores are assigned. While people may have had a different schedule, they still managed to get the same things accomplished.
Monday was laundry day and now it always makes me happy when Monday is bright and sunny so the laundry can be hung on the line. Sunshine serves not only to dry my clothes but also to freshen and disinfect them. There's nothing like sunshine to make things bright and smell wonderful! I try to keep Monday's as laundry but sometimes life intervenes and laundry day is another day.
Tuesday was ironing day; does anyone remember the glass soft drink bottle with the holes punched in the metal top? That was used for sprinkling clothes just prior to ironing them. I love the way clothes smell when misted with lightly scented water. I use a linen, cotton or lavender scent depending upon what I'm ironing and it always smells so crisp. Mom had stretchers and she would put Daddy's work pants on those stretchers to dry without too many wrinkles. She would also keep a bit of moistened laundry, wrapped in plastic, in the bottom of the refrigerator. When she was ready to iron, out could come the pre-moistened laundry. There always seemed to be plenty of room in the refrigerator for the laundry because Mom always made our meals from scratch. With five hungry people at the table, there was little in the way of leftovers. She also had a good sized pantry where the freezer was kept as well as all the canned goods from the summer garden.
Years ago someone was visiting from NYC and looked in my pantry. She saw rows of beans, tomatoes, peaches and other good things. She asked what they were? I asked, "what does it look like?" She told me peaches, tomatoes, etc. and I said, "you're right. I canned those from Daddy's garden and orchard and will eat them this coming winter." She turned to me, eyes wide open and asked, "Is that LEGAL!?"
While it is funny, it's also sad. I fear people don't know what fresh food tastes like anymore and haven't a clue how to can food. Recently, at the thrift store, I found a Blue Ball canner with all accessories in an unopened box. The price was $20 and I was over the moon to find it all. I don't think it's possible to have too many canning kettles and jars.
Wednesday was mending day and all the buttons and torn hems or pants were sewn on this day. I like those iron on patches as well because they lend toughness to the pants, especially jeans. I've heard of adults and children who wouldn't wear patched jeans and I wonder, "why?". Are they so uppity they think patched jeans beneath them? Then I think, "how sad for you and those around you that you, in my opinion, are so falsely proud." I'm talking about wearing jeans for work or play although I'm not above going to town in work clothes. Sometimes the days are so full, it's all I can do to get to town much less worry about my clothes.
I've got a basket of torn and ripped jeans that are headed for a quilt. The jeans are about worn out but still could keep a body warm when quilted with love and prayers. I know another woman who made a blue jean quilt and she says it's quite heavy and extremely warm; I hope mine turns out as well.
Wednesday evening we attended "prayer meeting" at church and stayed for a little while to visit and catch up with folks we hadn't seen since Sunday.
Thursday...I can't remember what happened Thursday other than the usual...meals, homework, etc.
Friday was grocery shopping day and the coupons from the newspaper would be gathered and used. I don't remember the grocery store name but I can remember going there with Mom.
On Saturday, Mom cleaned house and the girls pitched in to help. Daddy and my brother worked the garden, mowed the lawn and did other, manly, chores. I never could figure out why Mom would waste a perfectly good Saturday on cleaning house; now that I'm older, I understand. It was then she had her children there to help and as we all helped dirty the house, it seemed fair we all helped clean the house. Ditto for the food out of the garden.
We children were allowed to watch Saturday morning television, can't remember if before or after cleaning, and I well remember Sky King and of my very favorites! My brother enjoyed police and detective shows and all made an impression on him because he's a retired County Deputy Sheriff.
Sunday we went to Sunday School and church then home for a meal that was already cooking in the oven. We didn't have crock pots so Mom would put the roast in the oven on a low temperature and when we got home three hours later, it was ready and delicious. Sunday evening we headed back to church but sometimes stopped at the Dairy Queen for a soft serve after the service. What a wonderful treat!
On Sunday, we children were allowed to play but not rough house; we were allowed to ride our bikes, jump rope or other similar activities.
Monday though Thursday we came home from school and were allowed to go outside and play before supper. After supper and helping to clean up, we did homework. On Friday, we could put off homework until Sunday evening but had to have it finished before Disney or we couldn't watch Tinkerbelle. Not watching Tinkerbelle *rarely* happened! -smile-
So, back to laundry. Recently on Mary Janes Farm, I asked if anyone would like to swap a clothes pin bag for some vintage aprons. Terri responded and the bag at the beginning of this post is the one she made. It's just beautiful and made of heavy duty material that should last me many years. I like the bright, cheerful colors that sing Laundry Day! Terri is an amazing seamstress and farmer, check out both of her sites, each linked to her name.
I like laundry days and last year Zen Habits had a great suggestion to use a "laundry day" to purge oneself of old tasks, chores, etc. In other words, get that to-do list in a bit more ship-shape order. It doesn't quite accomplish having a daily schedule, but it does help get one in gear and tackle the jobs that seem to pile up. I think I'm going to go back to a schedule, both weekly and monthly and I'm going to use the Zen Habit of one laundry day a month to purge.
I'm also going to arrange the weekly schedule to suit me but I'll keep Monday as laundry day; that just seems right.
Blessings ~ laundry and laundry day ~ clothes pin bags ~ memories ~ family ~ chores ~ slowing down ~
Oh Gosh I just found Mary Janes farm at Christmas time While searching at the book store for a gift for my Mom ..I bought it ..we are hooked will be sending off for my subscription ..I need to figure out how to become part of their wonderful community.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more ..ditto for me growing up ..seems we quite doing all that ..and boy the days seem jumbled and run together ..I agree going back to a daily routing would be Beautiful ..
We are hoping to move here in the next few months I will try and implement that in our new home.
I always love reading your posts !!
Hugs ..
Sara of Sweet Magnolias Farm
There is something so comforting about the thought of the measured rhythm of the days. I remember my grandmothers wringer washer on laundry day!
ReplyDeleteHi Sara - Mary Jane's Farm is a great place to hang out. I've met wonderful people there and am getting ready to go to Ohio to meet more wonderful people.
ReplyDeleteYou should check out Sisters on the Fly, you'd enjoy them as well!
Hi Leslie - I'm headed back to more rhythm in my life...when the home is peaceful, life is peaceful. One way to have more peace is to have more rhythm in order to have more space between activities.
At least, that's what I think.
I love that clothesbag! We live in a neighborhood in Arizona so no clothes lines...grrrr but I'll be home in Washington soon and I'll hang out my laundry again and no one will complain ..YES!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy your blogs.
And thank you for your comment on my page reqarding the bird...
Is it the time of year...or do great minds think alike? ( ha ha ) I have been considering a list to get back to a more predictable order for those chores and obligations that are a necessity, and better to keep up on and not let pile up.
ReplyDeleteI do remember most of the things you described above. My parents made Sunday 'family day', we had to set the day aside for time with each other...usually playing games, family outings, etc, and of course...there was always a special family program on Sunday nights. We read too. I think most families I knew spent time together like that.
Nice post, I love visiting!
What a cute clothespin bag you were gifted with. I look for clotheslines when traveling as we never see them in the area I live. In fact, they are banned with our neighborhood covenets but I have one anyway. I can fill it with my aprons I collected on the Texas Spring Week trip plus+! Many thanks for your fun remark onmy blog, I will be adding more photos all the time for a long time, I think as I took so many.
ReplyDeleteYOur farm is beautiful and I can just imagine your yarns too. A Sheep farm would be fabulous! Alpaca's also?
I will be back for more looks and to scroll on down. I am still looking for the April copy of Mary Janes Farm. It was supposed to feature the tiny Teardrop Trailer's like I have.
Smiles, cyndi
Hi Carol, it's crazy to me folks will vote "no clotheslines" and then, some of them, will vent about the coal/energy industry. Don't they realize the dryer runs on electricity which is run by coal?
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for visiting and please come back.
Hi Kathy - your life and my life is, more, dictated by the seasons because we have animals. I think it's also a good thing when our weeks have "seasons", like always having a similar to-do list means I get more accomplished.
Sunday was family day for our family as well, I just didn't get that across in the post -smile-.
Yes, to 'great minds', we all seem to have similar thoughts at the same time...must be God speaking to His children.