Ramps are a member of the onion, leek, garlic family only taste stronger and smell a lot louder. There's no in-between, a body either likes 'em or hates 'em. I loves 'em! Especially when friend with potatoes, onions, garlic and olive oil. HEY! There's got to be some additional healthful benefits, eh? They are best eaten when they have just first pushed their little heads out of the earth, best when spring is still new and the heat of summer isn't threatening.
All over the southern Appalachia's there are Ramp Festivals; one of my favorites is the Whitetop Mountain Ramp Festival on the Rooftop of Virginia. It's only 108 miles away, at the top of Whitetop Mountain the third highest mountain in VA at 5520 feet but it takes me close to two and a half hours to get there. For more than half the distance, the roads are two lane with more twists, turns, curves, S curves, switchbacks and the like to give a snake motion sickness. Sometimes there are guardrails. A large part of the drive travels along the stream that's tumbling down the mountain and, while it's beeeyouutifulll, my mind thinks 'snakes'. No, I can't say I'm afraid of snakes but I do like to give them a wiiiiddddeeee berth, especially the copperheads and the rattlers. I tend to let the garden snakes and black snakes live in peace, as long as they do likewise by me, but I don't hold with poisonous snakes. I figure they crawl on their belly for a reason and who am I to question God?
While I'm on the topic of the Appalachia's there's a question that's been bothering me for years. Probably all my life, really. Where are the Appalachia's? I've always thought they were those mountains that were not the Blue Ridge but in researching, I find I'm, somewhat, right. Apparently, there's a geological distinction. Virginia Places says the Blue Ridge are older, far older, than the Appalachian Plateau. The Blue Ridge core rocks are billion year old igneous rocks and the Plateau is far younger. Well, maybe or maybe not, but I do know God has made the simple things to counfound the wise and the beauty is there for all of us.
Gaynelle and Jeanne were my company yesterday and I only hope they had as good a time as I. Jeanne is a city gal but has lived in a small town for a number of years, she's also a musician as are her menfolk. I knew she'd enjoy the music. Gaynelle is a country gal and mountain people are her people so I knew she'd be okay. And, me? I'm happy with all of it. These are my people, these old worn down smooth mountains are my mountains and I'm never happier than when I'm home in the hills. Give me some knitting or other handwork and I can sit and listen to folks tell tales for hours! To sit and watch mountain people play music and dance...God's in His heaven and all's right with my world. It's a sermon just to be in attendance, a prayer to simply watch and rejoice.
The Whitetop Mountain Ramp Festival is a benefit for the volunteer rescue squad and fire department and the day's activities include eating, mountain music and clogging. They were selling a half chicken -breast, wing, leg- and potatoes fried with ramps, green beans that tasted like they came from some Grandma's pantry, a roll and ice tea for $6. At the day's end they sold the chickens for $2 so folks could take supper home with them.
According to Southern Food, the ramp may also be called a wild leek although I've never heard it called that. It is native to North America and the name is supposed to come from "ramson" or "rams", from an Elizabethan dialect. John Mariani, author of The Encyclopedia of American Food and Drink" says the word was first in English print in 1530 but was used earlier by southern Appalachian folks.
I do know the Elizabethan dialect is still in existence in the southern Appalachia's. Dave and I have been to funerals, back in the hills and hollows, where it took three verses of Amazing Grace being sung before I recognized the song! The group of five men were singing acapella and it was beautiful but I'm far enough removed from the dialect that it took me a while to recognize the tune.
The youngsters started the ramp eating contest; first prize was $35 and a LARGE bottle of Scope mouthwash, second prize was $25 and a LARGE bottle of Scope mouthwash and third prize was $15 and a LARGE bottle of Scope mouthwash. Come to think of it, a large bottle of Scope mouthwash might have been too small! -smile-
Some high stepping going on!
Blessings ~ mountain people ~ mountain music ~ mountain food ~ the Appalachia's ~ the Blue Ridge ~ cloggers ~ volunteers ~ ramps! ~
Lovely photos and it sounds like a terrific festival!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to try a Ramp, I think:). What a beautiful part of the country you are blessed to live in. The description of the music and dancing made me think of a movie I like called SongCatcher. The music of the Appalachia's is so unique and full of history.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun event and thanks for the history of the ramp and clogging. I don't think we have ramps ( edible kind ) around here, if we do they go by another name....
ReplyDeleteI have often caught a similarity between very rural southern accents and English / Irish accents, as well as similarities in music....
Good Morning Leslie S. - it was a fine festival - great music, wonderful crafts and energetic dancers.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Leslie - I'm not fond of raw ramps but think they are delish in cooked dishes. I've never seen SongCatcher but have heard it's a wonderful movie. Like jazz, the music of Appalachia is indigenous to the USA.
Good Morning Kathy - the Ramp Festival is a great little even, quite small but I always see someone I know and meet new, interesting people. The smaller festivals are the best, I think.