~ who loves ya, baby? ~
Jen, over at Finding Heaven is talking about choices, hope and despair; about measuring herself against her stats, about forgetting we're not on our own. Her T.R.U.S.T. question is: What are the traps that lure you away from believing God's Truth about you? Here's my response...
The days I'm too "busy" to start with God, His Word, His preachers on XM and my devotions is the day that falls apart for me. Maybe it's an age thing or a season thing but I'm not struggling with traps so much as I'm struggling to do the work He's set before me. Struggling to make good...no, excellent...use of my time, to make it count for eternity. Time is the beginning of eternity and it is NOW. The time I spend wasting here, now, is time I can never re-capture for Him. Since Dave died, my biggest fear is...fear. Am I being a good steward, am I giving enough, am I doing His will. Suppose I screw up and lose it all.
Daily, God reveals, a little more and a little more, who I am as His child. ouch. Daily, I pray anew to do His will and not my own. It's a daily battle; not a tomorrow battle or a yesterday battle. All I have to tend to is today; yesterday is gone and tomorrow never arrives.
I don't mean to sound like practicing a Christian life is not difficult. It is extremely difficult., at least, it's difficult for me. I struggle with less of me and more of Him. I struggle with my big mouth. I struggle with being impatient, with trying to "help" God. I struggle with my big mouth. oops, said that one didn't I? There's some t.v. show called 'fear factor'; at least, there was at one time. I've never see the show but want to tell them, if you want to see fear, be here at 3 a.m. when I can't sleep and worry has replaced sanity and prayer. I struggle with forgiving those people who have so cruelly wronged me. Instead of forgiving them, I remember what they did, over and over and over...and then I waste more time on playing the revenge game. Sheesh! What a complete and total waste and it only serves to upset me more; it keeps the hurt alive and robs me of happiness and the here and now.
"So Sandra," says Abba, "how's that working out for you?"
One of the other bloggers visiting Jen has written a post about Jack Nicholson and, in one of his movies he says, "Is this as good as it gets?" Well, yeah, it is if you're not a Christian. If you're not a Christian, this is the only Heaven you'll ever know. By the way, how's that working for you, this heaven? On the other hand, if you're a saved by His grace Christian, not simply a person who attends a Christian based church, this is the only Hell you'll ever know. How's that working out for you? 'Cause I'm liking it, I'm liking it a lot!
I live a quiet life and stay, for the vast majority of time, here on the farm. I have to; it's where the work is and any time I spend away, is time I spend not working. Even so, when I leave the farm, I see so much hurt, bitterness, anger, distrust...and that's generally in church on Sunday morning! I think going to an office everyday would simply overwhelm me and bring me to an early end. So, I focus on what's important and that is...
And that's quite enough.
Blessings ~ Finding Heaven Today ~ participating bloggers ~ Jen ~ God and His Amazing LOVE ~